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%% title: 10-4.1 Customer Data Flow %% description: Section 10 - System Environment - Figure 10-4.1 Customer Data Flow graph LR subgraph AWS GovCloud subgraph Cloud Foundry Components subgraph Container Management Segments Cell["Cell"] AppContainer{"Customer<br>Application"} Dashboard{Dashboard<br>} end Router{Router} SSHProxy[SSH Proxy] UAA["User Authentication/Authorization (UAA)<br>"] CloudController[Cloud Controller<br>] ServiceBroker[Service Broker] InternalService["Internal Service<br>e.g. Service Account<br>Identity Provider"] HM[Health Monitor] Loggregator[Loggregator] end subgraph Customer Logs Q[AWS Elasticache Redis Queue] Logstash[Logstash] OS[Opensearch] OSD[Opensearch Dashboard<br>] end subgraph AWS Brokered Services VPC AWSService("AWS Services e.g.<br>AWS RDS Postgresql, MySQL<br>AWS Elasticache Redis<br>AWS OpenSearch") end subgraph SAML IDP SAML{ fallback IDP<br>providing MFA} end ALB("Application Load Balancer (ALB)") CloudControllerDB(Cloud Controller<br>RDS DB) CloudWatch[AWS CloudWatch Logs] S3[S3] end subgraph Customer Responsibility CustomerSAML{"Single Sign-on (SSO)<br>providing MFA"} end subgraph AWS East/West cloudfront["AWS CloudFront"] end Customer((Customer)) statuspage["StatusPage<br>"] Router-->Cell SSHProxy--SSH using temporary key-->Router CloudController-.API Request Sets up temporary SSH key.->SSHProxy CloudController--Request for provision-->ServiceBroker CloudController--Provision/scale application instances-->Cell CloudControllerDB-->CloudController ServiceBroker--Provisions-->InternalService ServiceBroker--Provisions-->AWSService InternalService--Service protocol-->AppContainer AWSService--Service protocol-->AppContainer HM--Monitoring of assigned port-->AppContainer Cell-.Container.->AppContainer AppContainer-->Loggregator Cell-.Container.->Dashboard Loggregator-->Logstash Logstash-->Q Q-->OS Logstash-->CloudWatch Logstash-->S3 OS-->OSD Customer--"Web HTTP 80 or HTTPS 443"-->ALB Customer--SSH port 2222 using temporary key-->ALB Customer--"Web request HTTPS 443"-->statuspage Customer--"Web HTTP 80 or HTTPS 443"-->cloudfront cloudfront --"Web request HTTPS 443"--> ALB ALB --SSH port 2222 using temporary key--> SSHProxy ALB --"Web HTTP 80 or HTTPS 443"--> Router ALB --API request HTTPS 443--> CloudController ALB -- "Triggered by web request HTTPS 443 only" --> OSD UAA-.Authentication.->CustomerSAML UAA-.Authentication.->SAML CloudController-.Authorization.->UAA SSHProxy-.Authorization.->UAA OSD-.Authorization.->UAA
Bidirectional data/information flow
One-directional data/information flow
Data/information request that is system generated
Component ( square corners )
Collections of VMs or containers
Non-VMs / container components ( rounded corners )
User types
External data components
Grouping of components
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